Alongside the pedals, the saddle is the most important point of contact with the bike. The right choice determines whether you can ride without pain. Usually, the sit bone distance is measured and the saddle selected accordingly. However, people forget that the sportier and more aerodynamic the position, the less contact they have with the saddle. This is because the whole system is tilted forward and the pressure shifts to the nose of the saddle. There is no more room for the sit bones, no matter how short it is. Which saddle I choose therefore depends not only on the distance between my sit bones, but above all on my preferred position on the bike!
To this end, we have significantly expanded our range of test saddles and now also offer Fabric saddlesbikefitting-satteldruck

Figure 1: Correct pressure distribution of a sporty rider in an upright (hands-free) and low sitting position with the correct saddle selection


Another aspect that cannot usually be answered individually enough with conventional fittings is the selection of the exact saddle height. Computer programs calculate the optimum saddle height based on the inside leg length using a formula (either based on LeMond or Gressmann from the 1990s). However, the preferred position on the saddle alone - further forward or further back - can cause the effective saddle height to vary by one centimeter. We can largely correct this by measuring the knee angle during bike fitting. But one uncertainty remains. Is the power development restricted because the saddle does not support the position sufficiently and therefore too much holding work has to be done? Does the chosen position even lead to circulatory problems?
Our saddle pressure measurement now also offers better and more individualized answers to these questions.


Graphic 2: Change in pressure distribution by choosing the correct saddle height

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PS: We use the saddle pressure measurement from gebioMized. And therefore we also offer saddles developed by gebioMized. Saddles whose design is based on many thousands of measurements, on the analysis of multiple seat problems.